PI Council Meeting

AFREhealth is an interdisciplinary health professional forum which seeks to improve health care in Africa through research, education and capacity building. The Initiative was launched during the MEPI/NEPI (Medical/Nursing Education Partnership Initiative) Symposium in Nairobi on 2 August 2016 through the Nairobi Resolution on AFREhealth.
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Introducing New Specialty Programs to Achieve Universal Health Coverage

Primary health care…relies, at local and referral levels, on health workers, including physicians, nurses, midwives, auxiliaries and community workers as applicable.
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Socially Accountable Health Workforce Education

Institutions that train health workers design their education, research and service activities to meet health needs of the communities they serve—with priorities jointly defined by government, services providers and others including the populations in greatest need.
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Homestays –what impact can we make?

Set up around 3 questions: Is this suitable accommodation for students? Does this increased community embeddedness for students? How can the University engage in the community where students are placed?
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Socially Accountable Health Workforce Education

Based on your “first thought”, rate your school’s own education program and research activities on 2 to 3 of the illustrative social accountability standards listed in the table below. If you are not currently involved with health workforce education/research, consider the education institution you attended.
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The Lancet Global Health

The Lancet Global Health features original research, commentary, and correspondence, and our content is complemented by regular blog posts.
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Annual D43 (Junior Faculty) Networking Conference

To expand the frontiers of Knowledge and Transform the Society through Innovation, To produce graduates who are worthy in character and sound judgement, To contribute to the transformation of society through creativity and innovation.
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MEPI-Junior Faculty in Tanzania: 2018 Progress Report

The aetiology, associated factors and antimicrobial sensitivity pattern among under-five children with radiologically confirmed pneumonia post enrolment of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in Tanzania –James Ngocho
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The STAMINA Program: Implementation and Emerging Outcomes

Government and People of the United States of America, Office of The Director, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Nursing Research, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, and Fogarty International Centerfor STAMINA Award Number D43TW010130.
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University of Nairobi MEPI -Junior Faculty Research Capacity Building Program

The main objective of the PHERT is to strengthen research training for junior facultythrough a 2-year fellowship program.
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PERFECT Program HighlightsMEPI Junior Faculty Conference

PERFECT-Promoting Excellence in Research and Faculty Enhanced Career Training.
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Nurture: Makerere University’s Quest For A Transformative Impact On Health Research

Our program is supporting assistant lecturers to senior lecturers. Provide targeted training and mentorship for individualized research capacity development.
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